题目:Recent Trends in the UN International Law Commission: The Beginning of an End? 联合国国际法委员会的新趋势:终结的开端?
腾讯会议 ID:791-920-011
开讲学者:Shinya Murase(日本上智大学荣休法学教授、联合国国际法委员会委员)
Shinya Murase is Professor Emeritus of Sophia University in Tokyo. He obtained B.A. from International Christian University, Tokyo and S.J.D. from the University of Tokyo. He was Visiting Scholar/Research Fellow at Harvard Law School from 1974 to 1976, and Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School in 1995. He served as Judge of the Administrative Tribunal of the Asian Development Bank from 1998 to 2004. He is a Member of the UN International Law Commission since 2009 and its Special Rapporteur for the topic on the Protection of the Atmosphere since 2013. He is also Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and of the Institute of International Law.
His major publications include: International Law: An Integrative Perspective on Transboundary Issues (Sophia University Press, 2011, in English) and International Lawmaking: Sources of International Law (Toshindo, 2002, in Japanese). The latter has been translated into Chinese and published by the Chinese People’s University for Public Safety Press.
Dr. Liang Yuen-Li (1903-1979) of China was the central figure in founding the ILC in 1947 as a subsidiary organ of the UN General Assembly. It is a unique organ of the UN as it is composed of members who are not representatives of States but are supposed work in their individual capacity. Dr. Liang served as Secretary to the ILC for the first 15 years until 1964, which was the most glorious period of the ILC under his brilliant leadership. However, after his retirement, the ILC’s productivity significantly declined, with its role being gradually marginalized.
The ILC is now facing many problems in: (1) selection of its topics, (2) its methods of work, (3) the declining quality of its membership, and (4) the inadequate relationship with the General Assembly Sixth Committe, among others. First, most of the topics dealt with by ILC are no longer relevant to the actual needs of the international community as a whole. Second, its working methods are not efficient nor adequate, with its decision-making process being slowed down due to the consensus rule, and with its final products departing from draft articles to soft-law forms such as “conclusions”. Third, while most members in its early decades were academics (professors), now the majority of the members are former diplomats and government lawyers, which has unfortunately led to lower the level of discussion in the Commission. Fourth, the Sixth Committee seems no longer interested in making the ILC products into binding multilateral conventions as it used to. Overall, there appear many signs showing the beginning of an end for the ILC.